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1/6可动人偶 12寸兵人 Kaustic Plasti KPXXL01 梦幻勇士

1/6可动人偶 12寸兵人 Kaustic Plasti KPXXL01 梦幻勇士

Kaustic Plastik present XXL Project,XXL Custom kit for XXL Herones!
XXL Project Set 1 will be produced in a VERY LIMITED Edition (500 pieces worldwide)
We designed this set to fit large Muscular Body,like KP02 or KP03 or other similar big body from other companies.
The weapon is made with the highest Metal technology available today
this set is perfect for any kind of custom figure linked to Typical iconography of the fantasy film/books genre.
this set include:
1)New Longhair Headsculpt
2)Die Cast Sword (Long 16,5cm)
3)Leather Shirt
4)Leather Armour
5)Fur Skirt
6)Fur Scabbard
8)Boots(Leather and fur)
9)Two Leather wristbands
10)Small Leather Bag
Figure NOT included!